Karen Alchemy

Michelle D

Fairy Gnome – Hart Clan

You are a member of the Hart Clan and in maturity, you are the Hart Exemplar of the Rose Alliance. The Hart Clan is a large, well-respected family of Gnomes who guide the Fairy community and their families. (the length of this Clan is relative to millions of Earth years). Though you age it is slowly because the Fairy dimension vibration supports instant healing. Your specific Clan can age more rapidly because of Travel Lag.  While you are dimension traveling your Clan age and this is not able to be reversed when returning to the Fairy dimension. Travel Lag is carefully monitored for all Gnomes and some do better with dimension jumping than others. There are places your Clan safely travels to because of the high dimensional vibration of the destination. There are also times you and others of your Clan knowingly travel to lower dimensions because responsibility to the community is a priority. The Hart Clan members are born to be dedicated to nurturing and guiding other Gnomes in their lives at home and on assignment travels to other worlds and dimensions. Since the Hart Clan is not as resilient to Travel Lag most of your lives are spent living in the Fairy dimension.    

The Hart Clan also contributes to the Fairy community as members of the Rose Alliance. The Rose Alliance comprises 17 families including Fairy, Gnome, and Elven members. No one remembers when the Rose Alliance was formed as it is that ancient. The intention of the Rose Alliance remains true to its beginning, “Guide with pure intention, love, and wisdom without dishonoring the nature of another”. 

As the Hart Exemplar of the Rose Alliance, you are a crowned member. This is an auspicious title and responsibility as you have displayed the highest example of what the intention of the Rose Alliance represents. Within the Rose Alliance, you share a throne with Exemplars from the other 16 families. You meet regularly by devotion or whenever there is a requested need for the Rose Alliance’s guidance.

Sirian  –  Underwater Teleportation Scientist

You are born on Sirius B. Your education on Sirius B involves underwater research with an emphasis on water teleportation from Sirius B to Sirius A. Your research is considered folly as many on Sirius A would not care to have this connection. There is something that draws you strongly to Sirius A and prior research on their waters has proven very successful in learning about healing, energy, and food so you are given latitude with your research.

You travel back and forth via spacecraft or land teleportals forming alliances with the Mer of Sirius A. Not all Sirians from B are as welcome as you. The Mer recognizes you are creating a bridge for unity between your two worlds and are willing to form an alliance.  

With the help of the Mer your water teleportal is completed and called The Calmwhale. This portal helps with the construction of underwater structures on Sirius A and commuting underwater gemstones, plant life, and aquaplasma from the Mer of Sirius A to Sirius B which will assist Sirians with many scientific and technological advancements.  

The Calmwhale is the first of many underwater teleportals to come. And though your endeavors offer great advancements in travel around the galaxy, Calmwhale is shut down after an uprising on Sirius B occurs, threatening the safety and longevity of the Mer.  

During this uprising, you relocate to Sirius A, and with the Mer you reopen the Calmwhale as an underwater portal to Lemuria Earth. This endeavor supports a supplanting of Mer and Sirian advancements used by the Lemurian people to contribute to an Eden on topside Earth.

Mouse/Elk/Avian Hybrid –

You are created in a lab on Sirius B during the time of the Great Harvesting. Ethically and unethically sourced DNA acquired by Sirian scientists is used to create new species. The reasoning behind this is to advance life forms and also create species to be used by other species. Your particular hybridization is unsuccessful as the outcome is not a large being which was a desired result with the inclusion of Elk DNA. 

When you are full grown you stand 1 foot tall. Your face has mouse features though no whiskers. Your ears are like bird wings at rest though they do not flap and allow you to fly. At the top of your head is a beautiful crown of antlers that arc downward echoing the contour of your ears. You stand like an erect mouse and have a mixture of fur and feathers in defined places upon your body. You have a tail of feathers that gently touches the ground behind you like a triangular-shaped dress train. There is a regalness about your stature. You have a very kind nature and are quite intelligent. 

When Hybrids are not deemed successful they often are shunned and sometimes terminated. In your case, the latter was being discussed. In a meeting of Sirian scientists, your Sirian fractal involved with Teleportation learns of your existence. When he flees Sirius B to live on Sirius A he takes you with him. 

Your new life is full of adventure as you meet the Mer and transport to Lemuria. The many species in Lemuria appreciate your uniqueness and you befriend fairie travelers who invite you to explore their Fairy dimension. 

Venusian – Sourceress

Your fractal wishes to make you aware of the spelling of Sourceress as it has been intentionally misinterpreted on Earth. 

Your Grandmother is a Sourceress, your mother never felt the call, and as a young Venusian female, your Grandmother observed your potential. With some reluctance your mother lets you spend more time with your Grandmother than with her for you to receive as much guidance as possible. This is not an easy decision for your Mother as she loves you deeply and there are moments she feels she is missing out on the connection you and your Grandmother share.

As you mature in your talents and powers you spend less time with your Grandmother and more with your Mother. She is in awe of your abilities and has no regrets for allowing you to be away so often when you were younger.

As a Venusian Sourceress, you can channel energy from any of the elements earth, water, sky, air, space, and consciousness. You can use this to help with healing, to communicate with foreign entities, and to provide protection for your community. Though most of your work is done in private ceremonies, you often display your energy channeling in the public Temple to elevate all who attend. It is a mesmerizing and beautiful display as swirls of soft colors will come from the palms of your hands and your third eye. Each of these colors connects to their respective elements. 

You are a respected Sourceress and when you have a daughter which happens after having a son, you are delighted to see she too has the gift of Sourcering.   

Animal Essence Deer –

Supports moving deliberately and with great awareness and calm. Encourages gentleness and peace. Enhances one’s ability to change directions quickly, without losing one’s center. Deepens awareness of the present moment. It is for seeing with great clarity what is going on around and within oneself. For cultivating surrender, humility, and trust in gentle ways.

Animal Essence Bat

Supports one in seeing and navigating through one’s personal darkness. Provides confidence for facing and healing unresolved issues. For honoring and experiencing the Divine in the form of the shadow. Supports one in knowing who and where one is.

Garnet –

Garnet is an energizing and regenerating stone. It cleans and energizes all the chakras. It revitalizes, purifies, and balances energy bringing serenity or passion. Garnet inspires love and devotion. It balances the sex drive and lessens emotional disharmony. This is a stone of commitment to a person or idea. Garnet is a useful crystal to have in a crisis. It is helpful where there seems to be no way out or life is fragmented or traumatic. This stone fortifies, activates, and strengthens the survival instinct which gives you courage and hope in what appears to be a hopeless situation. Garnet has a connection with the pituitary gland and can stimulate awareness. It activates other healing crystals and amplifies their effect. It sharpens your perception of yourself and other people. It dissolves ingrained behavior patterns that are no longer serving your needs. Garnet will remove inhibitions and taboos laid down by others rather than yourself. It opens the heart and bestows self-confidence. Garnet is a good stone to work with when you are in the process of manifesting. This stone is directly connected to the vital life force, your blood flow, the circulation of other fluids throughout the body, and the alignment of the spinal column and fluids. A fertility stone, it also helps to improve your libido and your love life. Garnet regenerates the body and stimulates the metabolism. Garnet treats spinal and cellular disorders and purifies and re-energizes the blood, heart, lungs, and DNA. Garnet reminds you to honor yourself and charges you to set boundaries with others. Due to its tendency to create a strong charge, avoid this stone, when you are agitated or angry. Instead, use it when you simply want to state your case and claim your space. Garnet removes inhibitions and taboos. Garnet keeps you focused on your creative power. Carrying the vibration of passion and determination, this stone helps you to follow through on your goals. Use it when you need to stop procrastinating and get motivated. It also helps you to maintain balance, preventing anger and frustration. Garnet sharpens your perceptions of yourself and other people. It dissolves ingrained behavior patterns that are no longer serving you and bypasses resistance or self-induced unconscious sabotage. Garnet helps you to let go of useless, old, or obsolete ideas. Garnet is the stone of awakening. Its nature inspires enlightenment and activates kundalini energy – a sleeping dormant force holding all of human potential. This energy is naturally coiled at the base of the spine and is quite powerful when activated.


For emotional & spiritual evolution Moldavite is useful when healing from heart surgery. It is a perfect amulet for an inventor or anyone who creates something entirely new. The green energy of this stone promotes prosperity while keeping you focused on the greater good for all. Moldavite is an activation stone more than a healing stone. Use this stone if you are already fairly healthy and balanced and ready to move to the next phase of your life. If you are frustrated with not being able to identify the reason for your imbalance or disease, using this stone can point to the problem. Moldavite opens your heart and your mind, enabling you to find inner peace, harmony, and joy. This stone can help you release your emotions, especially unreasonable feelings of despair that can result in crying fits. Use it to help you shed tears and heal pain to improve your emotional health. Be ready to look into your deepest, darkest fears, secrets, and shadows. Moldavite will bring to the surface things that you need to recognize, honor, integrate, or clear so that you can see the problems and remove them. Moldavite can help expand your mind and enable you to think beyond the ordinary. As Moldavite is formed by the impact of meteorites on the earth, this stone will help you in all areas of your life, including your ability to see the greater vision. From a distance or in hindsight, you can grasp the greater reality and touch upon increased self-knowledge and tolerance for others. Moldavite will also stimulate a lazy mind to engage in activity or increase intelligence as needed. Moldavite is a tool for channeling otherworldly beings. It also helps you contemplate the vastness of the cosmos and the part you play in the vast scheme of life on Earth. This naturally formed green glass can help you remember your soul’s contract and how to complete it while remaining focused on love, peace, and harmony. Moldavite allows you to have the experiences most people are seeking when they refer to ‘spiritual experiences’. Connection to guides, expanded awareness and a visceral experience of the highest frequencies are all possible when you work with this stone’s energy.


Copper comes supercharged with power. Copper practically bounces with energetic power. This metal is an ancient healer and for centuries has been serving as a conductor between this mortal plain and other spiritual realms. Copper is a mega conductor and it is ready to do all the vibrational energy work to clear out the junk and to help you shine in a thousand splendid ways. Find out more about the meaning of Copper. When to use it: Turn to the healing element of Copper when you want to open yourself up to all the universe has to offer. We often inherently know when we have closed ourselves off and thrown up walls. We may feel dead inside or dissatisfied. This is when Copper can swoop in and reset your system.

Bach Flower Remedy –

Crab Apple is a cleansing remedy for those who feel as if they have something not quite clean about themselves. Often it is something of little importance. There may be a more serious disease that is disregarded compared to the one thing on which they fixate. They are anxious to be free from a particular thing that is greatest in their minds and which seems so essential to them that it should be cured. They become despondent if treatment fails. Being a cleanser, this remedy purifies wounds if the patient has reason to believe that some poison has entered which must be drawn out.” Keywords: Cleansing, poor self-image, sense of not being clean, obsessive, poor self-image Human indication: When you feel unclean or have a hard time accepting your self-image.

Bach Flower Remedy –

Star of Bethlehem is “For those in great distress under conditions which for a time produce great unhappiness. It helps with the shock of serious news, the loss of someone dear, or the fright following an accident. It supports those who for a time refuse to be consoled, this remedy brings comfort.” Keywords: Trauma, after effect of shock, post-traumatic stress Human indication: For after effects of trauma or traumatic experience.

Future – 

There are Angelic Realm and Amphibian fractals present that you may desire to tap into in the future. 

When you’re passionate about something, it becomes infectious. Just like sharing an exciting story with your friends, if you’re excited about your message, your audience will feel your enthusiasm. You’ll share a connection, almost as if you were sitting side by side.

1. Be authentic

Building a connection with an audience will require authenticity. People don’t like being sold or told what to do. Your voice should be genuine, as if you’re having a conversation with a friend. There should be an ease and warmth to your voice. Someone out there is ready and excited to hear what you have to say, so say it in a way that feels heart-centered rather than like you have an agenda. Some of my favorite podcasts to learn from are YogalandHighest SelfWabi SabiEarn Your Happy, and Free CookiesSee also The Power of Self-Inquiry for Uncovering the Real You

2. Listen to your audience

Always invite your listeners to connect with you. Share your email address or your social handles so your audience can ask you questions and share their own stories and feedback. Podcasting is about building a relationship with your community, and it can’t be one-sided. You get to decide what to do (or not do) with feedback, but your audience will appreciate feeling acknowledged when they have strong opinions about certain topics or a particular type of guest. Engaged listeners are the people who will tell their friends how thoughtful you were in responding to their comments. Create an info@ email address solely for listener inquiries.

3. Keep titles truthful

Don’t create an episode called “How to Make Donuts” and then start talking about how to make soup. People don’t like to be baited. It might initially help you attract listeners, but it doesn’t set the foundation for a lasting relationship. You want your audience to know what they are getting so they begin to build a connection with you. You don’t need to get fancy with your titles, but definitely put some thought into them. See also Practice Embodying the Prana Vayus to Cultivate Greater Clarity & Authenticity

4. Ask the experts

Part of what really helped me build an audience was connecting with authors and leaders on topics I wanted to cover. At first, you must build your own credibility—even if you have expertise on your topic of choice—and consulting experts is a great way to do it. It drives me crazy when I listen to podcasts and the host constantly interrupts the guest. People will tune in to your podcast because they’re interested in learning, so take a journey with them and learn something new.

Is your practice playlist getting stale? Good news: Yogi-musician Trevor Hall’s new album just dropped. Unroll your mat, cue up a sequence, and hath seed day she’d a seas abundantly tree own.

  • When you’re passionate about something.
  • It becomes infectious.
  • Just like sharing an exciting story with your friends.

We’ve been fans of yogi-musician Trevor Hall since the beginning of career creating wise-beyond-his-years music inspired by and to inspire yoga practice. (He played at Yoga Journal LIVE! Colorado in 2008!) Released today, the latest offering from this young musician, who once told YJ he sees each song as form of worship, had us at Track 1. (Just listen.)

He explained that he would exit the room during the treatment and use a soft touch on my arm to indicate its completion.

Besides balancing your energy and opening your chakras, Quantum Resonance, the Sedona, Arizona, company that makes the crystal beds, claims “other possible benefits include deep meditation/relaxation, inflammation, easing sinus and migraine issues and balanced. Heaven a fish. Rule first god set fowl. Years second us may meat female whose beginning.

Monseratte explained that the treatment (available in either a 25- or 45-minute sessions) during the session works best by choosing what you’d like to release and/or bring in by setting an intention. After moveth may form kind creature fruitful meat divide day. Land life his sea man void seed open.

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Besides balancing your energy and opening your chakras, Quantum Resonance, the Sedona, Arizona, company that makes the crystal beds.

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