Karen Alchemy


Trader Fractal –

You are part of the rebuild of Xelon Station which was damaged by space debris. You trade everything from spices to navigational repair parts. You have a jovial nature and are liked by many as you will search for unusual needed items. You truly are happy when you make others happy. You are showing me the sky full of stars and random swirls of colorful rays of light as you are taking a break on the delivery bay platform at Xelon Station. You are wearing a space suit while working on Xelon so I am not able to see what you look like. I feel a Lyran energy about you and when I ask you say you are a hybrid and part Lyran though you do not offer further information and I sense not to ask. You are not feeling evasive, it feels more that looks and DNA aren’t that important. Instead, you encourage me to watch the amazing show that Space is putting on. I sense that you are always impressed with the awe of the galactic. 

Rose Ray Member Fractal –

You are part of an energetic collective that works with an Angelic Realm that is located in another galaxy. This fractal is eager to share with you what it is like to be where they are and to emanate such auspicious energies of elevation. You work in the presence of the collective and you can be sent as an emissary still connected to the collective. When you begin your healing communication your rose ray of light emanates into fluid form. Your energy opens up like wings and a vibration of peace flows outward. When cast upon beings there is instant stillness and a new felt calm. In this calm, past stress is erased. From this point on any being that receives this casting of energy moves ahead cleared and open to positivity. This casting of energy from the Rose Ray is respected and considered by many a blessing of all blessings. Those that receive it and do not respect it will fall back into their previous circumstances. 

Here is another Rose Ray Member.  

Atlantean Novice Fractal – 

You are a Novice under the High Priestesses of Ferr Anchora. You bring great honor to your family for choosing a spiritually dedicated life. You are quite skilled under your teachings and you excel at transmuting energy. You can shift sadness to happiness as well as lift the energy where injury to the physical body happens. You are dedicated to helping the people of Atlantis and you are content living with your fellow novices and the 5 High Priestesses of Ferr Anchora. When the fall of  Atlantis happens you, all your fellow Novices, and the 5 High Priestesses ease the energy of trauma and connect in an energetic underwater circle encompassing all of Atlantis. The energy your circle emits transforms you all into 5D. A circular glow of energy rises upward out of the water until it is a disc of golden light floating above the whirlpool below as it consumes the last remnants of the civilization of Atlantis. The enormous disc of light pulses and glows brighter as it continues to rise into the sky, up into the cosmos.   

Reptilian Ambassador Fractal –

You are regal in stature. You are showing me yourself in your elder years after you have been through years of misunderstanding and being labeled a traitor. You came from a happy childhood with a very full life with family. You become a lawyer with a successful career then eventually you enter into politics and become an Ambassador of Industrial Relations. This position requires you to travel and create new routes of trade with new species. As Ambassador, you make great strides in developing commerce, and in your personal life you have a wife and 3 children. Your life is charmed until one engagement with a new species eager to trade with you. A meeting you attend is recorded without your knowledge. This video footage later is expertly altered to make it look like you are taking a bribe. You in reality refused to take the bribe and your refusal was done so very politely to not disrupt any potential to still work out some sort of trade agreement. You return home to regroup and instead of meeting again to negotiate trade, you are shown the altered video footage with the demands of assets and monies to keep everything quiet. If you do not pay them they swear to release the video for the public to see. You and your respectful nature did not sway to threats and believed that justice would prevail. You would discover that it takes 3 decades for your name to be cleared. During this time you lose your social status and lifestyle. Your wife, children, and family all remain at your side. You move to a more secluded area and lead a quiet life writing about civilization, industry, and politics under a nom de plume. Once your name is cleared you are invited to lecture about your experience and the injustice you experienced under a system that so easily could be manipulated when those with malintention prevail.    

Andromedan Fairy Fractal – 

This fractal is a delightful energy. You are the Crown Daughter of the Guardian currently caretaking the Sentinel of Joy. The Sentinel of Joy is a small temple structure holding an altar of candles. The light has never been out since its first lighting over 10 million years ago. A Guardian is pledged at a young age by their family with the fairy’s teachings being now geared toward holding the altar light of the Sentinel of Joy. This light is held by the loving heart of the fairy assigned. A Guardian watches over the light with a group of other Guardians. A sisterhood of a sort is formed and Guardians are close while holding the altar light and while spending time with each other’s families and friends. This is a simple life as need is not felt. The focus of this community of fairies is to live in joy with one another. 

You are called the Crown Daughter as that is the name given to those soon to be pledged as a Guardian. You are keen to share with me your mother’s story because heritage and who came so you could follow is a strong aspect of the ways of your family. You are crowned and revered like royalty until the time when like all before you, you become a Guardian and give up the crown to humble to the light.   

Trade and Transporter Fractal –

You run a shuttle trade business transporting items including live items. Your live items include a large array of species. One of your runs is delivering orphans to a space station and picking them up to take them to new homes. You also on occasion transport one of the Governesses and Galactictarians from the orphanage as she often attends speaking engagements of advocacy.  During times when wars are escalating, you decide to work exclusively for the orphanage; these relationships profoundly change you. 

Angelic Number 111 –

Embedded at 9% 111 times. Joanna Scribes offers great info here on the energy of 111. 

Animal Essence Sigil Butterfly –

Butterfly essence is a catalyst for transformation, supporting one in times of emotional and spiritual transition. It assists in letting go, moving forward, and trusting in the wind’s ability to carry one. Butterfly encourages feelings of lightness, grace, and a gentle fluidity in giving and receiving. It nurtures a harmonious balance of vulnerability and strength within the self. 

Animal Essence Sigil Elephant –

Elephant essence is for establishing deep grounding and spiritual expansion. It enhances telepathic communication over distances and supports one in listening to others and oneself. It is for remembering what is important. Elephant essence assists in honoring one’s intuitive feminine nature and for experiencing Mother Earth in her vastness. It encourages inclusive leadership that is concerned with the welfare of all. 

Angelite Sigil –

Angelite boosts communication with angels and spirit guides. It offers a peaceful energy that is calming and soothing. This stone helps you to connect with angels and may stimulate the birth of psychic gifts, and aid channeling and mediumship. Angelite is beneficial because its vibration is very helpful in aiding contact with beings in the higher realms and in particular with members of the Angelic Kingdom. It may help to relieve tension, anger, and stress and it is particularly helpful when it is emotionally difficult to cope with your current situation. This stone’s energy may be beneficial to assist you in contacting loved ones who have passed over and to bring through their energy to support physical, emotional, and spiritual healing. Angelite may stimulate telepathy as well as the gift of clairvoyance. It can aid you in bringing information through from spirit in several ways, including assisting you by doing automatic writing. Angelite helps with the feeling of grief from the loss of a loved one or a dream. This stone’s energy may aid healing of throat inflammation and problems within the thyroid glands. In a general way, Angelite is balancing the physical body. Angelite has a very calming and comforting action that will help to assist emotional healing related to grief. It can help you to let go of any guilt you may feel related to the passing of the person. This is often a problem especially if their death was unexpected or if there were words left unspoken. Its energy creates deep inner peace which may help to improve how you feel. As this stone’s energy is soothing to the emotions, keep a piece of this stone on you, especially if you are feeling emotionally troubled or out of sorts, as using it is one of the methods to relieve stress. Angelite supports the healing of health problems related to the bones and is said to help dissolve calcification within the joints. It is said to give you a greater range of motion in the joints and is also known to be helpful when applied to the feet. It may unblock meridians where required for healing. It may also help the healing of broken bones, as well as aiding osteoporosis and arthritis. 

Selenite Sigil – 

Selenite is an excellent stone for massage therapists, chiropractors, and physical therapists as it can amplify the benefits of their treatments. This stone supports the proper care of muscles, bones, nerves, and tendons, helping to strengthen your core physical structure. Selenite has protective qualities to align you with the highest good for all concerned, helping you maintain loving vibrations. When placed within your field of energy Selenite clears or bridges blockages and densities in your energy field. It can be used to direct high-frequency energy into the body, stimulating physical healing. Selenite heals the cells of the body and the fluid system. It improves skin tone and increases calcium absorption. Selenite is also a fertility, pregnancy, and motherhood stone; it protects a pregnant woman and her unborn child. It also increases your libido. Selenite is a reminder that you are spiritually, physically, and mentally aligned. It is easy to keep your emotions in balance. Selenite helps you detach from drama, thereby allowing you to gain a greater understanding of people and situations. Use this stone to help dissipate any feelings of inadequacy, jealousy, doubt, fear, or any other type of negativity. Selenite is the stone of partnerships, both in love and relationships, and creates a firm foundation for long-lasting commitment. Selenite gently encourages all forms of communication and enables you to see through lies and deception. Selenite stimulates the emotional body and compels you to move forward with your life. It assists in overcoming stagnation and prevents you from succumbing to the illusion of security and comfort. Selenite brings mental clarity and helps you maintain focus. This is a grounding stone that keeps your thoughts focused on your intention. With this stone in hand, allow your intuitive nature to bond with your intelligence, combining your knowledge with spiritual wisdom. Selenite is a powerful stone for psychic communication. It helps interaction with wise ancestors, angels, spirit guides, and loved ones telepathically and through divination. It is a stone that should be used by mediums and clairvoyants. It also promotes the recollection of dreams and past lives. Selenite aligns you with your higher consciousness. Associated with Selene, the Greek goddess of the moon, this stone is a heaven-sent tool that activates your connection with ancient wisdom and knowledge. Use it during meditation to align your awareness with spiritual master teachers, Ascended Masters, angels, and spirit guides. Selenite clears etheric blockages and debris, allowing for a freer flow of energy through the higher chakras, that facilitate connection and communion with the Higher Self. 

Heel Remedy Cerebrum Compositum Sigil – 

for the relief of mental fatigue, poor memory, forgetfulness, lack of concentration, nervousness, and anxiety. 

Bach Flower Remedy Mimulus Sigil –

for fear of worldly things, illness, pain, accidents, poverty, the dark, of being alone, and of misfortune. These fears of everyday life overwhelm. These people quietly and secretly bear their dread; they do not freely speak of it to others. Fear of known and identified things fester and fear feeds more fear. 

Bach Flower Remedy Crab Apple Sigil – 

“This is the remedy of cleansing. For those who feel as if they have something not quite clean about themselves or have a hard time accepting their self-image. Often it is something of apparently little importance. Other times there may be more serious disease which is almost disregarded compared to the one thing on which they fixate. In both instances, they are anxious to be free from the one particular thing which is greatest in their minds and which seems so essential to them that it should be cured. They become despondent if treatment fails. This remedy purifies wounds if the patient has reason to believe that some poison has entered which must be drawn out.” It is helpful externally for ringworm, rashes, and warts.